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wyoming rock art research


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Keyser, J., Mavis Greer, and John Greer

2005. Arminto Petroglyphs: Rock Art Damage Assessment and Management Considerations in Central Wyoming. Plains Anthropologist 50(193):23-30.


Greer, Mavis and John Greer

2002. The Malli Goshen Site, Campbell County, Northeastern Wyoming. The Wyoming Archaeologist 46(1):41-46.


Greer, Mavis and John Greer

2002.The Crazy Woman Cody Site, Johnson County, Northeastern Wyoming. The Wyoming Archaeologist 46(2):92-96.


Greer, Mavis and John Greer

2001. The SA Petroglyphs, Historic Period Rock Art in Northeastern Wyoming. The Wyoming Archaeologist 45(2):25-28.


Greer, Mavis and John Greer

2001. The Hilight Petroglyph Boulder, Historic Period Rock Art in Northeastern Wyoming. The Wyoming Archaeologist 45(2):39-41.


Greer, Mavis and John Greer

2001. The SA Petroglyphs, Historic Period Rock Art in Northeastern Wyoming. The Wyoming Archaeologist 45(2):25-28.


Greer, John

1978. Wortham Shelter: An Avonlea Site in the Bighorn River Canyon, Wyoming. Archaeology in Montana 19(3):1-104. Bozeman.



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Greer, Mavis and John Greer

2006. Prehistory and History of Squaw Creek, Powder River Basin, Wyoming. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Wyoming Archaeological Society, Cheyenne.


Greer, Mavis and John Greer

2005. Conserving Wyoming Rock Art Through Recording. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Wyoming Archaeological Society, Rawlins.


Greer, Mavis and John Greer

2004. Patterns and Outliers: Noteworthy Features and Artifacts in Wyoming. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Wyoming Archaeological Society, Jackson.


Greer, Mavis and John Greer

2004. Notches Dome Pictographs: Are They Foothills Abstract Tradition in Central Wyoming?  Paper presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Plains Anthropological Conference, Billings.


Greer, Mavis and John Greer

2004. Pictures in the Caves: Rock Art in Montana and Wyoming Caves. Paper presented at the Rock Art 2004 San Diego Museum of Man, San Diego.


Greer, Mavis and John Greer

2003. Dangling Legs Petroglyphs, Natrona County, Wyoming. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Wyoming Archaeological Society, Sheridan.


Greer, Mavis and John Greer

2002. Overview of Powder River Basin Rock Art. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Wyoming Archaeological Society, Riverton.


Greer, Mavis and John Greer

2001. Armored Horses in Central Wyoming Rock Art. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Conference of the American Rock Art Research Association, Pendleton


Greer, Mavis and John Greer

2001. Armored Horses in Natrona County Rock Art. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Wyoming Archaeological Society, Laramie.


Greer, Mavis and John Greer

2000. Rock Art and Well Pad Construction: An Example of Conservation from Wyoming. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Conference of the American Rock Art Research Association, Phoenix.


Greer, Mavis and John Greer

1999. Two Rock Art Sites in the Powder River Basin. Paper presented at the 4th Biennial Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Anthropological Conference, Glenwood Springs.


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